Tuesday, April 1, 2008

#104: April Fools and Bubble Wrap

Sometime about 4:30am I thought, "Hmmm...today is April Fool's Day." Then I thought, "Why don't we have Fools Days in the other months?" and a minor epiphany occurred to me. This November on the first Tuesday of the month we DO!! The only difference is that we're calling it Election Day!!

Later on I was sitting here popping the little bubbles on a small piece of bubble wrap that was around a bottle of Red Truck wine a guy gave me last night and thought, "I wonder if anyone has done an environmental impact study about the gas and/or air that is given off when bubble wrap bubbles are popped?" (This is a practice that most of us have indulged in to the dismay of those around us on more than ONE occasion; I'd be willing to bet.) I believe Algore (said in a Rush Limbaugh tone) could build a Presidential candidacy on such an investigation if he funds it and comes in as the dark horse candidate if Barrack or Hillary are not chosen at the Democratic Convention in a reasonable number of turns of Democratic Monopoly.

Then I thought about one of my favorite sayings, Proverbs 6:18-19, "Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows and death, so is the man who deceives his neighbor, and says, "Was I not joking?"
Got connections?

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