Friday, September 26, 2008

#256: They're There with Their Test

Yessiree, Bob...I'm back in Facebook Test Mode....Got me a 100% on the There/Their/They're Test the other day (danggit, as Elfson says, I'm good), I'm 75% Profoundly Genius (meaning, I conclude, Dr. Watson, that I'm also 25% Profoundly MORON!), and just this morning, at the ripe old age of three and a half fortnights short of 57 I learned that my REALLY TRUE AGE is 43! Fortunately, on the REALLY IMPORTANT LIFE TEST my Substitute scored 100% for me and applied His marks to my account book! It took bloodshed, but He was up to the task and then some!! Thanks, Lord!

Another test, "What Warrior Clan Do You Belong In?", put me in with The Barbarians...hmmmm...somebody ratted me out that I CUT spaghetti even in Italian houses and Chinese noodles in front of my adopted Chinese daughter and granddaughter... seems my total depravity, 20% of that Calvinist T.U.L.I.P., is showing. Well, just in case you missed it or have forgotten it (like the 25% of me that's Moron often does) here's the acronym:

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints

So, there you have their (Calvinists') view of why they're rejoicing in their Lord always, again they're willing to say rejoice! They're onto their lost state and their Lord's perfection there on the Cross on their behalf.
Got questions?

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