Monday, December 24, 2007

#18: Comin' Round Again

It's Christmas Eve Day and I've been thinking about Reincarnation because it is also the anniversary of part of the Battle of the Bulge, when General Patton got a chaplain to pray over Armed Forces Radio earlier in the week to get God to end the bad weather so the Allies could bomb the beegeebers outta the Nazis. The prayers worked and the Nazis got hammered (OOORAH, OOORAH!!) but the odd thing is that Patton also believed in reincarnation, according to the movie "Patton" and Wikipedia.
Now, I have some questions. How can you figure if who you are now is going up or down the karma scale? For instance, would a water buffalo come back as a Congressman or vice versa?
Would a maintenance guy come back as a catfish or shrimp that cleans the environment or would it be the other way 'round?
When I was watching a David Attenborough special on the American brown bear many years ago and he said that the bear's life centers around eating, I knew what I MUST have been last time around; that is, if I believed in it in the first place.
Or, maybe, since I was born in '51 and enjoy eating kimchee, maybe I was a Korean guy who got killed in the Korean War and here I am all these years later?!
And howcome folks who talk about their 'former incarnations' never talk about being nobodies, but always end up being somebody special? Hmmm...could there have been 6.5 billion donkeys that have come back as US over the course of time? That would seem to my cracked way of thinking more logical than supposed Darwinian evolution where we ascend, to quote George Pickett in the movie, "Gettysburg", 'from a ape!'
Well, when all is said and done, I'm gonna stick with Hebrews 9:27..."it is appointed for a man to die once, and then the judgment." I think reincarnation is a crap shoot that comes up Snake Eyes, and the Snake was in the Garden of Eden when he came up with THAT particular doctrine!

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