Friday, December 14, 2007

#5: Civil War Wondering

It's the end of the day. I was just playing Civil War Generals 2 on my computer, whupping the Yankees at Chattanooga, and had some thoughts.
Why are folks afraid to publish my book, God Caused the Civil War? With all the God-talk in the world today, I would think it would be a timely way to make a coupla million bucks for some company that had the right marketing idea. I'd be glad to take a slice of that for royalties, even a small slice.
Why are Christians afraid to actually think through the fact that God caused all the wars of history both to bring punishment on mankind for various reasons as well as to get His Elect saved from 'every nation tribe and tongue'? Heck, 300,000 Americans got saved as a result of the Civil War, the writings of Oswald Chambers came as a result of his being in World War I, and 57 or so mission agencies came out of World War II, not to mention a great movie like Chariots of Fire that tells about Eric Liddell, who ended up dying in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. Oh, yeah, then there's the movie, The Hiding Place, and everything connected with Corrie ten Boom as a result of her being in Buchenwald concentration camp.
Well, here in the basement it's waaay too quiet, so I'll march to the sound of gunfire and let you go to your weekend. Thanks for reading.

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