Friday, December 28, 2007

#21: Another Look at War

Did you ever think that maybe Evangelical Christians are responsible for America's three most recent war efforts?
The '10/40 window' in the Eastern Hemisphere has been a subject of missions' prayers for about two decades so that it would 'open up' for the people groups to hear the Gospel. (That would be the areas of Africa, the Mideast, and Asia between 10 and 40 degrees N. Latitude, if you're unfamiliar with the terminology. Google it, I say!)
Well....The war in Kuwait, the Persian Gulf War, the U.S.-Iraq War, and the American invasion of Afghanistan have ALL been an answer to those prayers!! That part of the world has now been so disrupted, in part by 'God's servant America' (similar to 'My servant Cyrus' or 'My servant Nebuchadnezer') that many people groups that were completely closed to Christian influence are wide open and ASKING for ministries of mercy and Scripture distribution.
In a similar twist, God used 80 years of atheistic communism to pave the way for the massive influx of peoples to Christ across Russia and China, and the Viet Nam War to open up southeast Asia.
Where's next? Got requests?

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