Thursday, May 8, 2008

#134: Rule of Thumb

Today's Rule of Thumb is: "If you've got nothing to say, don't talk or write." That's pretty much how it's been for me here of late. The vegetation at Camp Cornelius has taken priority in my life, wearing me down to survival mode with a dose of allergies to boot, even while I'm enjoying the work. I even got my garden planted yesterday in time for today's rain. Just aint had much to say in this venue.
However, I look at a couple of blog sites that have a special interest to me and was routed to today that inspired me to comment. The writer asked why birds sing and bubbles go up? Kinda reminds me of Fall of 1969 when I and others were trying to write for Muhlenberg's literary mag and the English major editors got all the entries. (What? Me bitter after 39 years?...NAH! Heck, I'm the one who set up this site so nobody gets to comment but I, so I know how the Good Ole Boy system worketh!)
The Redneck in me simply answers these two questions this way: Birds sing to communicate with each other, to glorify the Lord, and because they know the words. Bubbles go up because of the physics of creation AND how else would they get in your nose so folks could laugh at you when it happens?!! (Dontcha just hate it when that happens?!!)
The guy also asks, "how do we even begin fighting to live when Solomon found no life smouldering under the sun?" I believe that answer is in Ecclesiastes 12:13, "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person." The follow up verses would be Ephesians 6:10-20 that I've cited more than once here.
The Bottom Line of Life is that even your best friend will let you down or die and leave you alone. You sooner or later have to realize that Jesus truly is the ONLY One who never will...that might be the whole point of Ecclesiastes and the Bible!
Gotta go mow, so I'll close for now.
Got camoflage bandana to ward off pollen?!!

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