Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#160: Tree Feng Shui

Good old Chinese Feng Shui is supposed to use the laws of heaven and earth to help an individual achieve improved life by receiving positive qi, or energy. Just like the Marine Corps stole "Semper Fidelis" ("Always Faithful") from God , the ancient Yinyangs (my phrase for a yin/yang practitioner) took the principle of "God created the heavens and the earth" to its illogical conclusion as part of being made in His image as well as "thinking themselves wise" enough to do it on their own without his help.
I, on the other hand, have the divinely designed job of pruning the trees here at Camp Cornelius with the Holy Spirit indwelling me and giving me directions if I have the smarts to think or say, "Well, Lord, how do we prune this one?!" As you can see from the picture, we now have Biblical Feng Shui (at least in my opinion) at this part of the grounds because the trees feel better with all that excess weight removed, I feel better because I've got yet another job done and I like the way it looks, and unless I hear otherwise, the general consensus is that the trees look good...which makes everybody else's qi fine and dandy.
The heat wave we're currently enjoying has driven me inside for the mo' so I'm administrating and writing as I go on a sliding scale of time on and off. You might say it's my Feng Shui Twilight Zone Vacation/Work Qi 4 Me!!
Got Post-Reformational, Van Tillian Zen Buddhist Garden of Eden?

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