Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#161: Stonehenge Figured Out

Earlier this morning, before I started on the Chinese Tree Feng Shui, I was watering the Garden of Vegetable Delights and was reminded to take a picture of my four miniature stone henges because I finally came up with the reason the Druids built those big rock monuments in the first place.
See, yesterday when I was pruning Bobbosan Chinese Lacy Leaf Maple, the first tree I planted here at Camp Cornelius in 1986, and Lady Jane Chinese Red Maple, I discovered seed pods hanging on these two trees...a phenomenon I have not noticed in 22 years.
What I did was plucked some of the seeds, went to The Garden, stuck them in the dirt, put rocks around them in a Feng Shui Stone Henge sort of way so I would remember where exactly I planted them, and then hosed the place down.
Soooo...I figure, "back in the day" of Stonehenging, the guys who built them were the pre-Flood giants talked about in the Bible, similar to or larger than 9'9" Goliath that David "rocked to sleep" so to speak. Just imagine a whole planet filled with these big guys, moving rocks around just to stay in shape, pruning and planting trees, and all that other good pre-Flood stuff they did. Now...some forgetful druid decides he's gonna plant a tree, but knows he'll forget his Forget Me Nots, so he decides to set up some rocks to mark the nursery. After all these years, the tree's gone but the rocks remain...simple solution for an incredibly obtuse problem. As Hannibal Smith of the A-team was wont to say, "I love it when a plan comes together!"
Got Da-Da-Da music?!!

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