Thursday, June 26, 2008

#176: Day of Small Things

One of the entries in my early morning readings was the first part of Jeremiah 45:5, "'But you, are you seeking great things for yourself? Do not seek them...'" This verse has been echoing in my head every so often for the last 28 years when I get the fat-headed idea of expanding my influence in the Kingdom. I'm also reminded of Ulysses S. Grant's idea that he would never seek a position higher than Providence would call him to because it would be presumption. Unlike many Civil War Generals, he did not seek to rise in the ranks of generals, but eventually became a Lieutenant General of all the Union Armies...the first since Washington, I believe.
Not sure where this is going. I guess whatever is in front of you at the moment, take care of that and let tomorrow and the "big" things take care of themselves or deal with them when you get there. Proverbs 6:6ff talks about "going to the ant" to observe and copy her ways, so maybe that's the next thing on your agenda?!
Gotta go see the Doc about 4 stitches and the healing of 1/20 of my bodily digits.
Got appointment?

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