Monday, December 8, 2008

#300: Silent Stuff

I went to church yesterday and had a thought. The second hymn was "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent." Doesn't it seem a bit ironic that the preacher should tell us to sing while the title of the hymn tells us to shut up?!! Maybe we should have observed four minutes of silence instead of Presbyterian singing?

Then there was the silent testimony in stained glass on three windows at the front of the chapel depicting the Three Wise Men attending Baby Jesus. What I wanted to know was why one of them was dressed in 12th century knight's armor when he was supposed to be one of the first century visitors. Think I'll drop the pastor an email.

Another silent testimony was a group of Scripture verses, the first of which said "Your old men will dream dreams." Well, I don't, plain and simple. What's the scoop? Archangel did point out that further 'round was "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." that one covered.

Would it be right to play "Silent Night" REALLY LOUD?!

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