Wednesday, July 16, 2008

#192: Roller Coaster Saints and Guardian Angels

Last night, Granddaughter Archangel and Elfson qualified to ride motorcycles for their mountain top experience for then and there. Prior to their leaving, I asked for the angel guardians that kept The Cook safe at Hershey Park to step up and hold up the young'uns and we got confirmation of another answer AFTER Cook and I saw the computer geek in "The Italian Job" drop his cycle in one scene.

The Roller Coaster Connection here is what I've called The Matthew 17/Elijah Principle for the last 25 years or so. In the Old Testament, Elijah has a "mountain top experience"...literally in his case... when he beats up on 450 Baal prophets in 1 Kings 18. The next thing he does is runs to the far end of Israel when one woman, Jezebel, threatens his life. He also gets suicidal in the process. In Matthew 17, three disciples are on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus and get to hear God's voice proclaiming Christ's Sonship and then the next thing they're confronted with is a demon possessed boy that only Jesus can heal...bummer for them, glory for Him, as it should be.

Well, the application of this exegesis...what it means for you, that you should EXPECT this roller coaster phenomenon of mountain top-to-valley-of- the-demon-possessed- boy as the NORM of your walk for the rest of your days and then you won't get thrown all out of whack when it happens! This is NOT to suggest that you should seek mediocrity and anonymity in your faith walk, but should remember that you're firmly held in the Hand of the One whose Name makes Satan and his minions TREMBLE!! When folks ask about you as the little kid did at the end of "Second Hand Lions," "Did those men in great-grandfather's stories really live?" the answer will be, "Yes, they REALLY LIVED!!"
Got Spirit?!!

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