Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#80: Leftover Life Changes

Well, Pops The Cook makes food that transforms lives at the Grey Havens as well as The Big House and other places.
Audio Visualman sometimes perfectly times movie choices that do the same.
At supper, while discussing the pros/cons of food poisoning from spoiled leftovers, I remarked that there was only one guy on the planet to whom I would wish a case of food poisoning, having had it once in the past myself.
After supper we watched "To End All Wars," a tale of POWs during WWII who helped build the Burma to Thailand railroad that has gotten fame in "Bridge Over the River Kwai." However, the screenwriter's a Christian, from what I learned this morning, who presented a compelling case of real forgiveness in spite of abominable circumstances.
When Pops asked me what I thought after the credits and final photos rolled, I simply remarked, "Guess there's nobody to whom I'd wish food poisoning now."
Got 'Amazing Grace' on the bagpipes?

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