Friday, March 7, 2008

#82: New Bob-ism #20

Last night I was talking with one of my sisters and had the epiphany of realizing I was creating a new Bob-ism that will no doubt be repeated by me, hence establishing it's status as a Bob-ism! (I even put a date next to it in the Bob-ism column so I can cite the day it began; which happens to be the anniversary of the Sunday attack by Santa Ana on The Alamo on the THIRTEENTH day of the siege!)
What I said was, "A Worry-er worries that she's NOT worrying!" Being the 1950s-kinda-guy that I am, I think my use of 'she' instead of 'he' (which 'back in the day' of Ozzie and Harriet included male and female in proper English usage) was intentional in her case, obviously, but I developed a theory in my inner room contemplations this morning as a result of the thought. (By the way, I'm listening to my Yanni cd that was a Christmas gift for being voted "most likely to own a Yanni record" at a party a few years back to give me contemplative atmosphere in my office that will, no doubt, enhance the stream of conscious thinking I do.)
In any event, I've observed over the course of my convoluted life that women seem to worry more than men. Maybe it's estrogen related. Maybe I could get a Government Grant to study the whole situation and create an A.M.A. sponsored paper that would rocket me to fame and fortune?!! Maybe Miss Piggy will fly over The Big House today on her way to marry Kermy?!!
Think it through though...worrying is about the stupidest sin we commit. Yes, it's sin because Jesus SPECIFICALLY says in Matthew 6:33, "Do not worry" ('about tomorrow' is the context, but I think 'about anything' is clearly implied in the passage). The other 'deeds of the flesh' of Galatians 5: 19-21 (immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing) at least produce relatively immediate semi-pleasureable outcomes (until the Piper needs to get paid, of course, and paybacks become Hell), with the exception of Envy, that only generates dissatisfaction and raises blood pressure, much like Worry. Think about all the issues you've worried about in the past and how many times you later came to realize that it was a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, STOMACH ACID, AND ANGST!! It's not even FUN to worry, by its very nature!!
If the Creator of EVERYTHING says He loves you as much as He does Jesus (cf. John 17:9), pardon the phrase, but what the Hell are you worrying about?!!
Got different faith?

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