Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#85: Adventures in Mundanity

Someone suggested I should post my job related emails, so for y'all NOT at Camp Cornelius:
It is 7am.
It is 38 outside and feels like 33 if Weather Channel Glenside is correct.
The Auditorium is 69 degrees because SOMEBODY left the lights on all night.
The thermostat is set at 63, on ‘automatic’ and should go to putting out air conditioning when y’all introduce 350 people into the room, if expectations of attendance are met.
There are door stops provided to open the back doors that will then be removed after THE EVENT to keep within Fire Marshall requirements.
The doors at both ends of the lobby may be opened to introduce the cold from outside so that it rolls down the aisles through the propped open doors.
Room #2 can have the thermostat changed to ‘cool’ if necessary by anyone looking under the unit who can push the plastic gizmo to the desired setting.
Fortunately, if all these precautions fail, God Himself has designed a fool proof cooling system each of you carries with you in your 98.6 degree selves…we in the hvac trade call it “sweat.” Please feel free to utilize it if all our measures prove inadequate.
I and my cooperative Crew will be outside waving our arms at traffic.

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