Sunday, March 9, 2008

#83: Sunday Odds and Ends

Well, here we are at Sunday, March 9, 2008, the 146th anniversary of the Battle of Hampton Roads where the Monitor DEFEATED the Merrimack because the Merrimack attacked on Sunday AND did NOT accomplish the destruction of the Union Navy, thus failing in its objectives, whereas the Monitor DID stop the havoc, WINNING the battle, not fighting to a draw as most historians will say! Whew...I'm glad I got THAT off my chest! Oh, also seemed significant to me that the Lord engineered that battle which ushered in modern naval warfare between ironclads on a Sunday in the Civil War that fought the largest number of its battles on Sundays, thus breaking Sabbaths all over the place.
Today is also that glorious day (no, not the one mentioned in hymns) that the Federal Government decided is the start of Daylight Saving (no 's') Time. How many of you missed church because you weren't paying attention? (Or your Starbucks Bible study group?) I know my stupid cell phone that my good buddy Good Old Boy bequeathed me did NOT advance one hour because it was probably programmed long before Con-gress (the opposite of progress) decided we needed to get up earlier this month. The silver lining in this sorta grey cloud is that I have an excuse for being late and otherwise fouled up...I'm a victim, I'm conflicted, I've got issues...EEEUUUWWW!!
New Subject:
Yesterday I had a pseudo-religious experience in the giant Giant that moved into a converted Home Depot in our neck of the planet. (Are my religious roots showing again with my choice of words?!!) Anyway, whilst meandering the aisles pickin' up veggies and whatnots while makin' folks around us laugh, I noticed some things that just made me think.
There are now expiration dates imprinted on eggs. My question to Elfson was, "Where do you put the ink in the chicken so it prints out like that?"
In the toilet paper aisle there was this brand that claimed to be angel soft. What in the name of my great Aunt Lizzie's hair bun is the connection? Angels don't even closely resemble those pudgy babies pictured on the wrapper...Let me refer you to Post #12: Angels Oughtta Be Steamed for my opinions on that particular topic so I keep my blood pressure under control right now!!
My last thought here was my first statement there: "This place has more food than some COUNTRIES!!" And, no, I haven't exaggerated in the history of the planet!!
Got foodstuff hyperbole?

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