Thursday, January 8, 2009

2:23, #327: Four Letter Gospel

Roughly 10 minutes ago I was shooting the breeze with one of my brothers from the illustrious South. He got talking about a supposed Christian celebrity who could not answer a direct question about her presentation being "gospel driven." He then said, "The Gospel is almost becoming a 4-letter word." I immediately replied, "Remove the vowels, and IT IS!!" (The ironic significance here for you non-Hebrew readers is that vowel pointing was not part of the original Hebrew texts, so in essence they only used consonants.)

Think about it, though...with all the anti-Christian spirit in the USofA here in the 21st century, "gospel" might just as well be spelled "g-s-p-l" so it IS a four-letter word to those who hate it so vehemently. Come on...let's help out the persecutors so we can get the Lord's Return on the road a little quicker...from a human standpoint, of course! ;p

Gotcher prison camp picked out?

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