Monday, March 9, 2009

2:75, #379: "You'll Poke Your Eye Out!"

After watching the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" (extended version, of course) for the 27th time... that would be about 324 hours traipsing through Middle Earth over the last several years of movie viewing for those of you who care...I came to the conclusion that the phrase that mothers down through the ages on Earth That Is have been yelling at their sons who play with sharpened sticks, bows and arrows, and the occasional swords originated during the Third Age of Middle Earth.

Yep, when Old Shelob the giant spider gave birth to a bunch of youngsters she invariably, at least in my world life view, of course, told her kids, "'re not playing with Sam Gamgee...he'll poke your eye out!!" For those few of you who don't know the the books or rent the movie and you'll get the joke. For those of you who do...well, you're blessed one more time now, are you not?!!

Got Sting?

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